Veronica Napurí, representative of Thermatalia Peru was invited by the Ministry of Exterior Commerce and Tourism of Peru – MINCETUR, to participate in the ´´investment in tourism forum 2019´´, as a featured speaker in themes of thermalism and wellness tourism in the region, in her delegate quality of Thermatalia in Peru and International delegate of the Latin-American net of wellness.

The Mincetur Forum is an event that generate big investments in tourism through an important interaction between the public and private sector. As commented by the Minister Edgar Vasquez, in his own words, ´´the worldwide receptive tourism keeps growing and Peru needs to seek to attract more foreign tourists.
For this objective, one of the innovative strategic attractive for the country is the thermalism and wellness tourism. Their opportunities for development were presented in the presentation of the expert, who is also CEO of Peru Wellness Travel, who exposed about the usage of water and the thermalism highlighting that at the moment is positioned as a new market segment strongly striking for the foreign tourists in Peru; taking as a example the Iceland case and posing a proposal and development plan for this item and this way energizing the health tourism in Peru.